Credit Cards

Credit Card Thieves Target Online to Dodge Dealing with Security Chips

Credit Card Thieves Target Online to Dodge Dealing with Security Chips 640 480 jennifer

Most credit card companies and retailers have made accommodations to handle the credit card chips. However, hackers and credit card thieves are becoming more creative with the way they steal information, now focusing their attention online instead. Mobile apps and…

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Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid

Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid 640 458 jennifer

Having a credit card holds a certain amount of responsibility, especially since it can have a huge effect on your credit score. Here are some mistakes that you should avoid making with your card. Don’t pay bills late.Don’t max out…

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Top Store Credit Cards

Top Store Credit Cards 640 480 jennifer

Depending on your shopping habits, a store credit card might be the best idea for you as far as credit cards go. Not only are they helpful to have when you’re in your favorite store or browsing a website you…

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Students Struggle with Getting Credit Cards

Students Struggle with Getting Credit Cards 640 224 jennifer

College is a great time for many students to start building their credit, however it’s often hard for students to be approved for cards. Student credit cards are practically a myth these days, especially as laws regarding credit cards continue…

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Business Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid

Business Credit Card Mistakes to Avoid 641 401 jennifer

Having a credit card for your business can be stressful because running a company costs quite a bit, and there can be unexpected charges. Here are a few mistakes to try and avoid. Don’t have a high monthly balance.Don’t put…

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What Is Credit Card Price Protection?

What Is Credit Card Price Protection? 750 563 jennifer

Only some credit cards offer it, but credit card price protection can be a great resource. If you make a purchase and later the price on that item decreases, it’s incredibly frustrating and feels like a missed opportunity. Some cards…

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